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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Commercial Portfolio

Another Version of Painting with Light

This is another version of painting with light. I used the same 24-70mm lens but did not use the soft focus filter. This was interesting because I had to learn how to light the side of the face without lighting it so much that it flattened it out. I also had to light the curls on the top all over except for the backside. I was successful lighting a majority of the face and curls while keeping the highlights and shadows on the face giving it dimension. Again, I really enjoyed shooting this one too

Monday, May 3, 2010

Painting with Light II

This is another image that I painted with light. I used the 24-70mm lens along with the Don Blair #2 filter. The image could have been made better by lighting a little bit more on the top back side so it would have more of a dimensional look to it. In doing so, I would have to make sure I didn't blow out or make the top of the truck too hot. I still am very happy with the image overall. The background was shot on a brown cloth. I took the color out and added a brownish black look. The background was manipulated in post processing to make it look mottled like it does. I was going for a more artistic feel and I think I was successful. I may try to reshoot to light it a little more from the back and see how it turns out. Anyway, you should try painting with light. It is really fun.

Painting with Light

This was so much fun to play with. I used a 24-70mm lens with a Don Blair #2 filter. I toyed with the idea of using a LED flashlight but thought it would be too cool for the look I wanted. I settled on the regular old flashlight of old. I think it worked wonderfully with the soft focus filter. Light the white rose was a challenge at first. I had a tendency to get it too hot, but after a couple of tries I realized what I needed to do. I was able to position the light in such a way to light the roses evenly without blowing out the white rose. At the same time, I managed to get a lot of tonal gradation in the rose petals. I think it turned out very well. If you are considering trying to paint with light, you should. It is fun and you can create a lot of really nice looks.